Peninsular Model HP high pressure hydraulic
cylinders may be
ordered with piston rods extending out of both the front and
rear cylinder heads (double rod end cylinders), thus, creating
simultaneous push and pull linear movement at both cylinder
ends. Please refer to the illustration below that shows an internal view of a double rod
end cylinder capable of stroking simultaneously at both cylinder
The below illustrations
represent a Double Rod End
that would be ordered with
a 4" Stroke.

Peninsular Double Rod End
Cylinder photographed in Mid Stroke
Head Rectangular Flange Mount (MF1) at one end.

Although the vast majority of double rod end
cylinders contain the same piston rod diameter
at both ends of the cylinder, it should be known that
occasionally Peninsular is called upon to manufacture these
cylinders with different piston rod diameters and rod end
threads at each cylinder end to suit a specific application.
Should this be your requirement, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
There are hundreds of thousands of applications
within the world of automated manufacturing systems that
require the use of double rod end cylinders, and we have
incorporated our improved double rod end design throughout our
entire product line for over 50 years. The National Fluid
Power Association (NFPA) lists about
24 standard cylinder
mounting styles for single rod cylinders, however, not all of
these mounting styles are suitable for double rod end
cylinders, because many of these mounting adaptors are located
on the back end of the cylinder.
The three mounting style charts below show the
Peninsular mounting styles that can be (1) configured and
manufactured (2) other mounts that can not be configured
within this configurator - just call us and we will configure
these mounts for you (and yes we do manufacture these) and (3)
cylinder mounts that cannot be made into double rod end
When you have selected a double rod end cylinder you will see a
/ Y in the cylinder part number indicating this double rod end feature, after the
cylinder has been generated and configured.