Helpful Hints - Peninsular Configurator

Model LH  NFPA Low Pressure Hydraulic Cylinders

"Cast Iron Piston Rings:     / I "

Some hydraulic applications require the use of cast iron piston rings which are used in those applications where the cylinder is exposed to high shock conditions. Although cast iron rings do not create as positive of a seal as compared to nitrile u-cup type seals they are considered to be more efficient in the prevention of piston seal failure when heavy shock type loads are present. Peninsular’s improved design, when cast iron rings are employed, includes a nitrile “T” seal with two “delrin” backup rings installed on the piston between the cast iron rings which prevents hydraulic fluid from bypassing the piston area – see the illustration below. A configuration without the "T" seal is also available, contact Peninsular at (800) 526-7968 should you want this option.

Peninsular’s cast iron piston rings are manufactured from AMS 7300 Series grey iron / SAE J929 specifications or equivalent cast iron which provides excellent wear characteristics, temperature stability and impact strength. Each ring has a special protective coating for improved lubricity and wear resistance and the ring joint is designed to minimize oil bypass. Bi-directional long lasting sealing performance under heavy shock loads is more likely to occur when cast iron piston rings are employed under these operating circumstances with hydraulic pressure up to 5,000 psi.

When you select the Cast Iron Piston Rings feature a /
I will become present in the Peninsular part number after the cylinder is generated for configuration.


 Illustration:      Cast Iron Piston Rings


When the Cast Iron Piston Rings feature is selected a  /I will appear near the end of the cylinder ordering number after the cylinder is generated for configuration.

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