HD2 Pneumatic & Hydraulic Cylinders Built to Ford Specifications

Ordering Procedure for Ford Standard Cylinders
When ordering, please specify the following:
1) Cushion – Head End (Use only if cushion is required)
2) Cylinder Bore (Specify in inches)
3) Specify “HD2” (Standard Group Code used in all HD2 Model Numbers)
4) Specify Piston Rod Diameter
5) Specify Piston Rod End Style (All others available)
6) Cylinder Stroke (specify in inches)
7) Cushion – Cap End
(use only if cushion is required)
8) Port Type
- N indicates NPTF Threat Ports
- S indicates SAE Thread Port
9) Seal Type
- 1 Indicates Cast Iron Piston Rings / Buna N Rod Seals
- 2 Indicates Buna N (Nitrile) throughout
- 3 Indicates Viton throughout
- 4 Cast Iron Piston Rings / Viton Rod Seals
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